
Outdoor Parenting: The Best Parenting Style for a Child with ADHD

Outdoor parenting style to prevent an ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a popular behavioral disorder found in children and adults. Many symptoms are usually present from childhood, but people often get diagnosed later as adults. As Parents with children with ADHD, you must ensure that whatever parenting style you adopt must accommodate the peculiarity of your child and meet their needs.

Before delving into the best parenting style, we should learn the basics of ADHD and its causes.

What is ADHD and how can it be alleviate with parenting style?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is caused by numerous factors. Biologically, it is caused by an underdeveloped frontal lobe responsible for cognitive actions, thus slowing down a person’s ability to function in their day to day activities.

ADHD could also be caused by genetic factors, meaning that it is hereditary and can be passed from parents to children. There are also other factors such as substance abuse by pregnant women which could lead to ADHD in the child, premature birth, etc.

A person who suffers from ADHD has problems concentrating on tasks. They find it hard to concentrate or showcase some level of organization. They are usually very hyper and as such are easily distracted, forgetful, impulsive , and are poor planners.

What is the best parenting style for a child with ADHD

As usual, we are always here to give the best tips on how to raise a child properly.

Raising a child with ADHD could be difficult and if you’re not prepared, it could be very much overwhelming. The best thing to infuse into your parenting style is engaging in outdoor activities.

It would help if you embrace outdoor parenting. This kind of parenting involves you engaging in outdoor activities with your child. It exposes them to an atmosphere that is relaxing, exciting and stimulating.

Here are a few ways you can engage in outdoor parenting styles

1. Natural therapy

This involves exposing your child to the beauty of nature. It could involve taking visits to the park or spending time in gardens. The goal is to expose your child to nature. It is often believed that nature is a great source of creativity. Also, spending time outdoors just embracing nature is a great way to calm down a hyper child.

2. Play a concentration game

Another great activity is to engage in games that require concentration. Some examples are jigsaw puzzles, legos, checkers, etc. Also, encourage your child to interact with others and play such games with others. It helps increase social skills while improving their concentration ability.

3. Encourage them to express creativity

This could be via art. Encourage them to draw or paint things they see or can imagine. They can also sculpt clay, fold papers into shapes, color drawings, etc. The goal is to put their hyperactivity into good use.

4. Tell stories

Telling stories is a great way to calm children with ADHD. It engages their creative side while keeping them concentrated on the story. You could also introduce a twist by engaging in role plays. This helps them express themselves.

There are also various kinds of outdoor places that have activities for children. Some of which are:

  • The Zoo: This introduces your child to a variety of animals and allows them to embrace and appreciate nature.
  • The park is a place where children can do activities in the midst of nature. It’s a great place to improve your child’s concentration ability as it has fewer stimuli than others.
  • The museum is another great place. It introduces children to different kinds of objects, usually from the past.
  • The Playground is a place where children can meet up with friends. It is a great place to socialize.
  • The library: This is a great place to boost concentration skills. It’s a quiet place where your child can read books that suit their age and interest.

These are great outdoor parenting activities parents can engage in with their children. The goal is to manage their child’s hyperactivity and improve their concentration skill.

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