
How To Communicate With Stubborn Children In A Positive Way

As parents, it is very important to be patient and understanding towards your child.

As children grow and develop, they start to form their habits and thoughts. They also start to show reluctance towards doing things you ask them to do and may become stubborn.

It would be best if you weren’t overwhelmed or jump right into physical violence to prove a point.

Children are very young beings who are just learning to navigate the world. They may make mistakes. All they need is guidance and an understanding of the consequences of their actions.

How to respond to your child’s actions as a good parent

In the past, the natural response to stubborn children was to hit, punish, hurt or frighten them. This is no longer the situation as we have seen the significant effects these could have on the self-esteem and total well-being of the child.

Positive Parenting is the new method. This involves creating awareness and increasing your understanding of your child’s needs. As children start to form and voice thoughts, you need to understand them and be able to correct them accordingly.

A great way to correct your child is to make them realize the consequences of their actions themselves. This should, however, be for minor issues you’re sure would bring no harm to them. 

However, for issues with more severe consequences, you must sit with your child and have a conversation with them.

This conversation must be free from violence, hurtful words, or gaslighting. It just involves you explaining how specific actions have negative and undesirable consequences. An example is how refusal to brush your teeth may lead to foul mouth odor, which means no one wants to talk to you, or a toothache which means a visit to the dentist for injections and no more sweet things.

When you have conversations like this, your child can understand your reasoning and adjust accordingly. This has proven to be more effective than just beating the child.

Positive Parenting is the new method.

It is common knowledge that the family institution is the heart of every society. It is a baby’s first introduction to the world and the kind of humans in society.

If parents raise their child rightly using words, reasoning, and understanding of the child’s needs rather than corporal punishment, they raise a child with proper social and emotional awareness.

The child grows up as a person who can think rationally as opposed to a child brought up with so much violence that they suffer from childhood trauma.

Whether you are a new parent or have children who are grown up, you should preach gentle and positive parenting.

Scolding doesn’t have to involve physical violence or emotional games. All it needs is a firm conversation where you explain the consequences of your actions to your child.

Your children have thoughts, which should be acknowledged just as you would acknowledge those of any other human.

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